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Complaints Process

The Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan regulates psychiatric nursing as a distinct profession. As a professional association, RPNAS regulates the registration and licensing of psychiatric nurses in Saskatchewan.

Filing a complaint

One way that the RPNAS fulfils their mandate of public protection is to receive and investigate complaints that are brought against Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPNs), Graduate Psychiatric Nurses or former Registered Psychiatric Nurses. *

Complaints can be made by employers, other RPNs, or members of the public.

The RPNAS takes complaints seriously. All written complaints are reviewed by the Professional Conduct Committee of the Association. Public protection is always our priority.

*If the complaint is about a former RPN it may be dealt with within 2 years of the cancellation of the psychiatric nurse’s registration. The complaint must relate to conduct that occurred prior to the cancellation.

A complaint must be sent in writing. You can send it either by postal mail or email. Please send the complaint to the attention of the RPNAS Executive Director.

The person filing the complaint must state the full name of the Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) or Graduate Psychiatric Nurse against whom the complaint is being made. The complaint must include a description of the incident or conduct in as much detail as possible and be signed by the complainant.

These details include:

  • What happened
  • The date(s) and time(s) at which the incident or behaviour happened
  • The names of persons involved
  • To whom the incident or behaviour was reported and when
  • Any other details

The complaint should also include a description of:

  • Any person affected by what the RPN or Graduate Psychiatric Nurse did or did not do
  • Any witnesses to what happened
  • Other persons who may have information about what happened

Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan
#205 – 4401 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4S 6B6


Investigation Process

Information about the Complaint Process

When a complaint is received, the Chief Executive Office/Registrar verifies that the complaint contains all the necessary information listed in the “Filing a Complaint” section. A complaint must include the name of the complainant to be accepted. If any information is missing, the Chief Executive Office/Registrar will contact the complainant.

After RPNAS receives a complaint, the RPNAS sends two letters:

* A letter to the complainant stating that the complaint has been received.

* A letter to the member of RPNAS (Registered Psychiatric Nurse or Graduate Psychiatric Nurse) who is the subject of the complaint. This includes a copy of the complaint and a request that the registrant respond to the complaint in writing.

All correspondence and documents relating to the complaint are forwarded to the Professional Conduct Committee for review.

Interim limitations on a member’s license may also be considered, or sought, by the Registrar or Professional Conduct Committee.

Professional Conduct Committee

The Professional Conduct Committee is composed of RPNs and public representatives, and they review the complaint, have the ability to investigate the complaint and determine the most appropriate action.

The Professional Conduct Committee has broad authority to investigate a complaint that include:

  • Requiring any person to answer relevant questions
  • Requesting and collecting documents, records, or other things in a person’s control
  • Inspecting, observing or auditing a member’s practice
  • Examining equipment, materials or other things used by the member

When the Professional Conduct Committee investigates a complaint, there are certain actions they may direct after the investigation is complete. The Professional Conduct Committee’s available actions are identified in section 24(3) of the Registered Psychiatric Nurses Act and include:

  • Issuing a caution to a member
  • Resolving the complaint, including by entering into an agreement with a member, and that may include education, training, monitoring, counselling, treatment, assessment of a member’s capacity or fitness to practice, conditions, or requirements on the member’s certificate of registration
  • Referring the matter to the discipline committee for a hearing
  • Directing that no further action take place
  • Accepting a voluntary surrender of a member’s license
  • Taking any other action that it considers appropriate in the circumstances

Where applicable or required by the Registered Psychiatric Nurses Act, the Professional Conduct Committee will issue a written report to the member, the Discipline Committee and/or the complainant. A complainant may also receive notification of what the Professional Conduct Committee has determined to be the appropriate action in writing.

Discipline Committee

If the Professional Conduct Committee refers a matter to a hearing, it is heard by the Discipline Committee.

The Discipline Committee is comprised of RPN’s and public representatives. No member of the Professional Conduct Committee is on the Discipline Committee.

The Discipline Committee holds hearings and decides whether the member is guilty of professional misconduct and/or professional incompetence.

A hearing generally involves the Discipline Committee hearing testimony from witnesses and reviewing documentary evidence.

If a member is found guilty of professional misconduct and/or professional incompetence, the Discipline Committee may make orders as identified in section 27(1) of the Registered Psychiatric Nurses Act and include:

  • Striking a member from the register
  • Suspending a member
  • Imposing conditions, restrictions, training, education, treatment or counselling
  • Reprimanding a member
  • Fining a member
  • Requiring a member to pay costs of the investigation and hearing
  • Any other orders determined to be just

Discipline Decisions and Reprimands

Discipline Decisions
