CLP Toolkit

Self-assessment Guide

Members may choose to use the optional Self-Assessment Guide to support their reflection on their practice. This may help members to identify a standard of practice to focus on for their CLP. RPNAS will not ask to see members self-assessment. It is a guide meant for the member’s own use.

Alternatively, members may wish to refer directly to the Standards of Nursing Practice to help them self-assess their practice and create a learning goal.

Reflective Practice Review Form

RPNAS members must document their engagement in the CLP annually, including, selecting the standard(s) of psychiatric nursing practice to focus on, identifying a goal(s), completing learning activities, discussing what was learned and how this learning was implemented in their practice. Finally, the member is required to document an evaluation of their learning.

The Reflective Practice Review Form is designed to be a living document that members use throughout the year to document their engagement in learning that relates to their psychiatric nursing practice. Members could document these elements on a different document/in a different format however all elements must be covered.

Members are required to retain their documentation for 5 years and produce this documentation in the case they are selected for annual verification of the CLP. It is advised that members save their documentation in more than one format in case of loss or a technical issue (e.g., electronic copies stored in two or more places or electronic and hard copies stored).

Reflective Practice Review Example
The Reflective Practice Review Example is intended to provide members an illustration of what a reflective review may look like. Each member is unique, as is their practice, so it is expected that member reflective reviews will reflect this individuality. It is also expected that members reflective practice reviews will vary from year to year as they deepen and grow in their practice and as new innovations and care needs arise within their practice environments.

CLP Verification Criteria Form

As required in RPNAS legislation the organization is responsible for validating participation in the CLP. The CLP Verification Criteria Form will be used by the RPNAS CLP Verification Panel and/or Registrar to review members’ reflective reviews.

When renewing their annual registration, members are required to declare their compliance with the CLP that year. Members are not required to submit their CLP documentation yearly but are required to retain that documentation for 5 years and provide it to the RPNAS as required.

Each year RPNAS will select members who are practicing and/or who were practicing in the previous year to participate in the CLP Verification Process. It is recommended that members save their documentation in more than one format. Members may be asked to produce documentation of their participation in the CLP from the previous 5 years.